Panda Endpoint Protection merupakan salah satu produk andalan Panda Security. Panda Endpont Protection atau yg lebih dikenal dengan sebutan PEP dan PEP Plus ini memiliki teknologi terbaru yaitu Teknologi TruPrevent
Teknologi Truprevent ini akan melindungi komputer anda dari Virus baru yang belum di ketahui dan intruder dengan menganalisa perilaku atau aktifitas program yang berjalan di komputer. Teknologi TruPrevent dapat mengindetifikasi virus yang belum diketahui dan memblokir mereka.
Panda Security memprioritaskan kenyamanan dan kemudahan pengguna dalam menggunakan Produk Panda Security. terutama pada saat penanganan bug atau error pada setiap produk. tak terkecuali pada Produk Panda Endpoint Protection berikut ini :
Bila anda mengalami masalah ketika install Panda Endpoint Protection diperusahaan anda. Anda bisa melihat Code Error dari Panda Endpoint Protection sehingga anda mengetahui permasalahan yang ditimbulkan.
List :
- Error 1285: Error loading the dynamic link library
- Error 1287: There is another instance of the WalTest local process running
- Error 1289: Error on trying to obtained the server´s reply
Error Instalasi :
- Error 1290 on installing Endpoint Protection
- Error 1298 when installing Endpoint Protection
- Error 1300 installing Endpoint Protection
- Error 1301 installing Endpoint Protection
- Error 1302 installing Endpoint Protection
- Error 1303 installing Endpoint Protection
- Error 1304 installing Endpoint Protection
- Error 1305 installing Endpoint Protection
- Error 1782 installing Endpoint Protection
- Error 2055 installing or updating the protection, or updating the Endpoint Protection agent
- Error 2072 while installing Endpoint Protection.
- Error 2076: Insufficient disk space to install or upgrade Endpoint Protection
- Error 2080 installing, updating or uninstalling Endpoint Protection agent or protection
- Error 2081 while installing Endpoint Protection.
- Error 2082 installing, updating or uninstalling Endpoint Protection agent or protection
- Error 2085 updating the protection of Endpoint Protection
- Error 2092 installing or updating the protection, or updating the Endpoint Protection agent
- Error 2093 on installing Endpoint Protection
- Error 2098 installing Endpoint Protection
- Error 2109 installing or updating the protection, or updating the Endpoint Protection agent
- Error 2110 installing or updating the protection, or updating the Endpoint Protection
- Error 2111 installing or updating the protection, or updating the Endpoint Protection
- Error 2112 installing or updating the protection, or updating the Endpoint Protection agent
- Error 2115 installing Endpoint Protection
- Error 2116 installing Endpoint Protection
- Error 2118 when remotely uninstalling Endpoint Protection
- Error 2119 installing Endpoint Protection
Error Updating :
- Error 2120 updating the protection of Endpoint Protection
- Error 2122 updating the protection or the Endpoint Protection agent
- Error 2123 updating the protections or the agent in Endpoint Protection
- Error 2124 updating the protections in Endpoint Protection
- Error 2125 updating the protections in Endpoint Protection
- Error 2126 uninstalling the protections or the agent in Endpoint Protection
- Error 2127 during the upgrade of Endpoint Protection
- Error 3333 loading/downloading plug-ins during the update of the Endpoint Protection signature files
- Error 3335 updating the Endpoint Protection signature file
- Error 3354 updating the Endpoint Protection signature file
- Error 3356 updating the Endpoint Protection files
- Error 3369 updating the Endpoint Protection files
- Error 3370 updating the Endpoint Protection signature file
- Error 3371 updating the Endpoint Protection signature file
- Error 3372 updating the Endpoint Protection signature file
- Error 3373 updating the Endpoint Protection signature file
- Error 3375 updating the Endpoint Protection signature file
- Error 3376 updating the Endpoint Protection signature file
- Error 3378 updating the Endpoint Protection file
- Error 4011 on saving a Endpoint Protection configuration policy
- Error 5000 while installing Endpoint Protection
- Error 1799 in Endpoint Protection on-demand scans: one of the functions exported by the plug-in could not be loaded
Itulah Panduan error fix Panda Endpoint Protection.
Baca Juga : Produk-Produk Panda Security